Career opportunities & failure

Career opportunities & failure affects our life prominently

Career opportunities & failure

We frequently face failure and and we must constantly learn from our past errors. If we do not recognise our potential, we regularly miss the opportunities that come our way.

What are the values that a supervisor seeks from an employee…? career opportunities & failure

is it a cohesive or a repulsive Behaviour..?

Employers, recruiters, and supervisors tend to get overly excited by what applicants say and overly dissatisfied when they don’t deliver on their promises.

career opportunities & promotions

Disastrous hiring and performance management models are causing organizations, leaders and employees to fail. we always prioritize  candidate rankings by the quality of education and experience.


In your opinion, what factors led to the employee’s termination, failure to promote, or poor evaluation?

If education is the barrier stopping you from achieving success, think again.

career opportunities & failure needs to be evaluated.

Employees didn’t seem to get along with the team, or they didn’t fit in with the organizational culture.

  1. Employee did not resolve conflict well at all or completely avoided it.
  2. They never asked questions and kept failing to understand or follow instructions.
  3. They did not think critically about things; they didn’t know how to evaluate information or assess different alternatives.
  4. They didn’t take responsibility, weren’t motivated or showed no desire.
  5. Malpractice and selling information, creating mistrust among individuals violating a company’s policy
  6. Although they had the necessary education and training, they were unable to properly perform the tasks for which they were hired.

I’m sure you’ve observed that lacking a college degree and having no prior work experience doesn’t qualify as extenuating circumstances. Most problems aren’t due to a lack of knowledge or experience but are directly related to deficiencies in soft skills and behaviour.



Which is The Most Common Reason why People Fail To Pursue The Best Opportunity In Front Of Them?

If you’re facing several opportunities in front of you and can’t decide, ask yourself these questions:

1. Who are the people I’ll be working with most closely – do I respect, admire and enjoy them, and will they teach me great things I’m excited to learn?

2. What are the senior leadership’s core values, traits and behaviours – will it be easy for me to support them?

3. What is the potential growth opportunity for me – will I learn new skills, make exciting new connections, and learn to lead, manage and grow a business or endeavour in a powerful and rewarding way?

4. Will I have the flexibility in this role to focus on and support the other top priorities in my life?

Open your eyes to why you’re hesitant to move forward.  If it’s fear, uncover it, and embrace the exciting new opportunity that stretches you farther.

If your hesitation is anything about “I’m not sure I can do this” I hope you’ll think again.  No one is truly “ready” for the exponential growth opportunities that come their way and fall into their laps.

Instead, say something like, “I’m incredibly talented, capable, resourceful, and successful. I’m excited to stretch bigger. I’m committed to building my capabilities and making the positive impact I long to.  And I’m excited to do what it takes to grow and succeed at the next level.”

Go for it – take the stretch opportunity.

To build a more rewarding career, check out my free Career Path Self-Assessment and Career Success Training program.

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